
Replaces the currently selected polygon the polygon defined by the specified points.

This command is new in PageMaker 6.5

Command constructor

PPolygonVertices(const PRequestBuf& points);
The specified PRequestBuf object must contain the length (a short) followed by that many pairs of x/y coordinates in twips
Note. A polygon has a minimum of 3 points and a maximum of 100 points.

Example. This example replaces the currently selected polygon with one that has ten points.

PRequestBuf points(100); // 100 bytes, plenty big
points << (short) 10; // ten points to follow
points << 0L << 0L; // first point
points << 999L << 59L; // second point
points << 4L << 17L;
// tenth point
PPolygonVertices(points); // create the polygon

See also

The PCreatePolygon, PPolygonMiterLimit, and PPolygonType, commands

The PGetPolygonMiterLimit, PGetPolygonType, and PGetPolygonVertices queries

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